Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Surprisingly Good Time

I didn’t know what to expect the class trip to Professor Sollinger’s cabin to be like, except of what I was told about it. I was told that there would be good food, we would sleep on the floor, and we would collect seeds and plants from the woods. I didn’t know anyone in the class very well, and I was slightly scared that it wouldn’t be fun at all.
After my classes were over on Friday, I quickly went back to my dorm room to pack. Then I went to the parking lot where my class planned to depart. I expected to find many classmates there, but to my surprise there were only three (who weren’t the people in my prearranged carpooling group). I didn’t know where my carpooling group was at, so I decided to just go with the other group. We were waiting for the rest of the class to show up, but only three people showed during the 45 minuets that we were waiting. We looked up directions on the Internet, then we all jammed into a car and took off. My feeling that this class trip was a going to be a bad experience was deepened by the lack classmates and also because we got lost on our way there.
When we were trying to figure out where the cabin was, feeling completely lost, we discovered that the street numbers were getting closer to our destination! We eventually got to the cabin, and our pleasant surprise there was already a car full of people there. For a while we just played Frisbee and talked, getting to know each other better as more people arrived. I was already surprised by how much fun we were having. When it got dark outside we all went into the beautiful cabin and enjoyed good food and conversation.
That night we enjoyed sitting next to the campfire talking, which was very fun. We also played fun games such as cards and Apples to Apples. We never stopped eating throughout the night: we went from eating appetizers, to dinner, to chips and salsa, to cookies. After a long night of fun and games we decided to crash. I sleep downstairs with most of the girls; most of the boys sleep outside in the tent.
After a good night’s sleep I woke up to a wonderful breakfast already laid out on the counter. We had pancakes and made our own breakfast burritos. It was a feast. After the long wonderful breakfast, it was finally time to do what we originally thought that we were there to do: collect plants and seeds. We split up into groups. I was in the seed-collecting group. I wandered around the woods looking for any seeds that I could find. We only spent about thirty minuets in the seed and plant collecting groups. I enjoyed getting to walk around the woods and I think that I did well; I found some pretty unusual seeds.
After everyone was done doing his or her job, we went home. The drive home was much better than the ride there; we didn’t get lost and I enjoyed talking with my newfound friends. After we arrived at school, one of my new friends and I went to get Slurpees and we watched the homecoming football game together.
I am very glad that my skepticism about how this trip was going to turn out was not needed; it was a blast! During this trip I got to know many of my classmates better and I made several new friends. I learned from this trip that it’s okay for me to occasionally go out of my comfort zone. I hope that I have many more opportunities like this in the future!

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