Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tai Chi Steps

First I move my legs into a good stance. Taking a breath in, I slowly raise my arms. I pull my arms back, concentrating on my elbows, and I move my hands down as if I was putting someone hands in my pockets. Then lift I push off of my left foot and pivot to the right and right hand goes into ward off and left rest on the pillow in right ward off. Then I put my hands into the beach ball position then I put my weight on my left foot and pivot turning into left ward off. Then I take a step with my right foot and extend with my right hand and the left rests on the pillow. The left hand goes to the elbow of the reached out right hand and then they swing across the body together: the right hand stops near the crotch and the left goes near the ear. They go into press position, left hand pressing on the right. Both hands come back then push out next to each other in the push position. Then I swing around 180 degrees to the left with arms extended while turning changing the hands so that the right hand look like its holding a tea bag and the left hand is low and palm facing in the single whip position.

From Single Whip I spread my arms and legs opening up. I then bring my right leg in and forward on heel, right hand extended and left palm at right elbow. Next I bring my hands down to my left hip and move my right foot back as if pulling someone’s arm down. Then I step forward with my right foot having my right arm down (hand protecting growing) and left hand on the right side of my chest (prepared to jab at someone’s eyes). Next I step with my left foot, my right forearm is parallel to the ground at head level (blocking a punch) and my left arm is above my left leg in the pose wide crane spreads wings.
From Wide Crane Spreads Wings, I bring my left arm up, fold over my right arm and turn my body going into Brush Knee Twist I. I lift my right leg and extend my right arm as if grabbing someone’s arm. Then I step back, having my left hand by my right elbow as if I am holding someone’s arm. I then swing my arms around and go into brush knee twist II. I then turn my body to the left and make a fist with my right hand. I take a step with my right foot, having my left palm facing my right fist. I take another step and extend my right arm as if punching someone. I then put my weight on my back leg and make a ball to the left, then I transfer my weight back to my front leg and move my hands so that palms are facing outwards as if pushing someone. I let my arms hang at shoulder-eye level while turning to the right and pivoting my left foot. I then bring my right foot in near my body while my arms swing down. As my hands cross, right behind left, I place my right foot down at shoulders with apart but don’t put weight on it. My crossed hands rise up to eye level and I pull them to their correct side as I center my weight upon my feet. I straighten my body as I bring my hands down to my sides in Wu chi. I angle my right foot out and then bring my left foot in at an angle. I put my right fist against my left palm and bow. After bowing I kick out my heals and return to Wu Chi.

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