Sunday, November 2, 2008

My T’ai Chi experience

Before this term I wasn’t sure what to expect of this class, I didn’t have much of an understanding of what T’ai Chi is, and I wasn’t even sure if I would attend this class more than once. On the first day of class, when I came to try it out, I learned about what T’ai Chi is and what it could do to improve me physically and mentally. I have always had an interest in the martial arts and yoga. With T’ai Chi being a sort of combination of the two, I found it quite appealing. I was excited to find that this class would improve my balance, would strengthen my self-defense skills and help relive stress.
I found several improvements that T’ai Chi had on me, physically and mentally. I had fractured my foot in several places last May. I was concerned that it would be a problem during my practicing of T’ai Chi. My foot pain did hinder my movement several days during T’ai Chi, but I eventually found that wearing shoes with good insoles made it okay. When I had first started walking again after my injury, my recovering foot had very poor balance. After a few weeks of T’ai Chi I noticed that my balance was dramatically improving in both of my feet. Another thing that T’ai Chi has been helping me do, is relax and distress. I have found that T’ai Chi class was at the perfect time, immediately after my two hardest classes. After class I walked away feeling so much more calm and relaxed, even if it was a terribly stressful day. T’ai Chi has also helped me become more flexible, and make a few more friends.
I very much enjoyed this class. I found that practicing this art was very enjoyable, even though when I practiced at home my roommate often laughed at me. I look forward to putting some of my new self-defense skills to use when wrestling with my two big brothers. Thank you for introducing me to the art of T’ai Chi Chaun.

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