Friday, December 5, 2008

What Grade Do I Deserve?

Students in the class USEM 101 are graded on attendance, participation, and effort. I attended every class, participated often and put allot of effort into every assignment; which is why I believe that I deserve my grade for this class to be an A.
Although there were some days that I really didn’t want to go to class, I always did. I went to every class prepared, ready to work, and almost always ontime. My attendance record for this class is perfect.
I typically have a very shy personality, but during this class I made an effort to participate. I often spoke up during the group and class discussions. When were learning about slightly complicated ideas involving biology, I asked questions when I didn’t understand something.
Things such as writing and giving speeches do not come easily for me. I am sure that I spent twice the amount of time writing most of my essays for this class than many of my classmates did. I have tried very diligently to succeed in this class. I believe that I deserve an A.

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