Friday, December 5, 2008

Reflective Essay on Group Work

Being able to work well in groups is a very important skill to have that can be put to use often in everyday life. People work in groups, do chores and recreational activities in groups. Throughout this class we have had many group activities.
One of the group activities that particularly stands out in my memories is when we had the Lego activity. For the Lego activity, we split up into groups of six students. There was a structure made of Legos in the hallway. Our objective was to build an identical structure, but there was a strict set of rules that we had to follow. Only one team member could be in the hallway at a time, once we started building no one could go into the hallway, and there were several other rules. We decided what each team member was responsible for remembering and then took turns going into the hall. Once we all had our turns we started to put our structure together as we remembered it. This projected required much teamwork, it required us all to try our best and for us to trust each other.
I find group work to be fun and often prefer it to working alone. I would like to develop my group work skills more. I hope that we have more group projects in the future.

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