Friday, April 20, 2012

Article Summary and Reflection: America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change

America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change

The article America’s Living Oceans was written by the Pew Oceans Commission in May of 2003. The article starts by pointing out how important the oceans are and how dependent we, and all living things, are upon them. It then goes into detail about how poorly we have been treating them, and the problems that this is causing.  It briefly speaks of the “hodgepodge of ocean laws and programs that do not provide unified, clearly stated goals and measurable objectives”, what successes and failures they have had, and how they are not as effective as they were thirty years ago. They strongly believe that change must occur in order for future generation to be able to enjoy the benefits of a healthy ocean, which is a main objective of their organization. They have traveled along the coastal regions to determine the problems and try to find solutions. They have also come up with a list of objectives to help the ocean and a list of recommendations to meet these goals.
This was an interesting and well-written article that I think should be read by many people. I learned a lot from reading it, including the existence of the Pew Oceans Commission and their objectives. From what they said, I think that they are doing very important work, and deserve the full support the US government and people. One thing that I think could be improved upon is in their objectives to rescue the ocean. I thought that their objective list was incomplete and that much could be added to it, along with their recommendations to meet these objectives. The fact that I found most interesting in this article was the dependence of the economy on the ocean’s health. Before the beginning of this class I have never thought about how the ocean’s health affects anything other than the fish and the amount of litter on the beach. This article has given me a stronger understanding of ocean related problems and regulations.