Thursday, November 10, 2011

Half the Sky: Turing Oppression into Opportunity for Women

Lauren Berg
WGS 410
Reading Response
Introduction – Ch. 8

            Despite my lack of knowledge on the subjects, I have always felt a large amount of compassion for women and girls that have been raped, molested, and those who are prostitutes. The book Half the Sky: Turing Oppression into Opportunity for Women started to educate me on the subject of sexual mistreatment and has opened my eyes to a whole different realm of oppression.
The authors of Half the Sky estimate that globally there are 3 million females sex slaves; women and girls whom live under the most miserable conditions, who are the property of their pimp, and who must regularly endure rape, violence and humiliation. There are many activists and organizations trying to help the situation, but sex slavery is still worse than it ever has been. The injustices that go along with prostitution, sexual slavery, as well as many other problems that women have to face are in need of much advocacy and support.
The book has opened my eyes to many problems that I have never thought about very much, such as the importance maternal healthcare. Women                 in many parts of the world receive far too little maternal healthcare. Often there are not any birth complications and maternal healthcare is not needed, but much too often it is needed but not accessed. There is an especially high prevalence of maternal complications with young pregnant girls, many of whom are pregnant because of rape. A significant reason for women seeking maternal healthcare is the lack of access that they have to it; as there is often not a maternal care provider in their location, they can not afford it, or for some reason their culture or family finds it unsuitable for them to get that care. Without maternal healthcare many have to face serious health consequences, which often ruin the live of the mother, child, or both. Maternal healthcare, like many other injustices that women and girls face, need more political representation.
            The solutions to end the oppression of women are even more complex than the problems themselves. The book discusses many attempts to help women in different ways, some of which were successful and some of which were not. Some of the stories that the book told of advocates made me feel frustrated because I know that there is so much more to be done; so many lives to be made better and so many lives to be saved. On the other hand I found some of the stories to be very inspiring. While I read of the great things that these activists are doing, it made me feel inspired to help these women as well. The stories illustrate that just one person with agency can really make a difference and save lives, and I hope to one day really make a difference myself.