Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Ideal Gas Law

The purpose of this lab was to investigate several properties of gases and use the ideal gas law (eq 3) to explain the observations made. The lab consisted of a pressure-volume experiment which relates to eq. 1, and a pressure-temperature experiment which relates to eq. 2.
Equation 1, Boyle’s Law, shows the relationship of pressure and the inverse of volume.
P α 1/V   (1)
Equation 2, Charle’s Law, gives the relationship of pressure and temperature.
P α T (2)
Equation 3, The Ideal Gas Law, is a combination of eq 1 and eq 2, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the amount of moles, and T is temperature.
PV=nRT (3)
  In part one of the experiment the relationship between the pressure and volume of air was determined. Air was confined in a syringe which was connected to a pressure sensor. Data from the pressure sensor was saved on the computer. This data was analyzed and a graph created of pressure vs volume and of pressure vs 1/volume. The data was converted to the appropriate units and the number of moles of air in the syringe calculated using the Ideal Gas Law (eq 3).
In part two of the lab the temperature-pressure relationship was explored using a vernier testing apparatus, which consisted of a sealed flask with a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor connected, suspended in a beaker of water. Data was collected in 5°C intervals and saved on the computer. The data was analyzed and put into a graph comparing pressure and temperature.
Detailed procedures may be found in reference 1.
In this lab the Ideal Gas Law was tested by measuring the pressure of gas in comparison to volume and temperature. 
Figure 1 shows the data collected of Pressure level compared with the volume of the air. 
Figure 1. The pressure of air measured by controlling the volume.
The average volume was 0.014 L ± 0.0039 and the average pressure was 1.4 atm ± 0.38.
As eq. 1 states, pressure is inversely related to volume.
Figure 2 shows the data collected of pressure compared with 1/volume of the air. 
Figure 2. The pressure of air as a function of inverse volume.
The data in figures 1 and 2 were used to solve eq. 3 for the number of mols of air in the syringe, which was calculated to be 0.00076 mols. The value of R, calculated using the slope of the trendline in figure 2 was 0.072 L-atm/mol-K.
Figure 3 shows the relationship of temperature vs. pressure using the data obtained from the second part of the experiment.
Figure 3. The relationship of pressure vs. temperature of air.
The relationship of pressure and temperature is direct, as seen in eq. 2 and proved by the fact that the data made a linear graph. As temperature increases so does pressure, this is because when temperature increases the molecules increase in velocity and collide more frequently. The average temperature was 325 K ± 18.9 and the average pressure was 1.0 atm ± 0.055.
In this lab the Ideal Gas Law was tested by observing a pressure-volume relationship and a temperature-pressure relationship. The R value of the data in Figure 1 was calculated to be 0.072 L-atm/mol-K, which has a 13% relative error when compared to the accepted value. This may be due to the fact that it was near impossible to precisely control how much the the syringe would tighten. It is also possible that the composition of the air in the room that the lab was done deviated slightly from where the accepted value was determined. The average pressure constant for part one was 115 ± 68.5.
From the data used to make figure 1, the average volume was 0.014 L ± 0.0039 and the average pressure was 1.4 atm ± 0.38. From the data used to make figure 3, the average temperature was 325 K ± 18.9 and the average pressure was 1.0 atm ± 0.055. These standard deviations are not bad, and probably exist due to human error. If the temperature was doubled the pressure would also double. The average pressure constant for part two was 0.0179 ± .000512.
1. General Chemistry Experiments: A Manual for Chemistry 204, 205, and 206,Department of Chemistry, Southern Oregon University: Ashland, OR, 2009

Application of LeChatelier’s Principle to Chemical Equilibria

The purpose of this lab was to determine which way equilibrium shifts went by using LeChatelier’s Principle. LeChatelier’s Principle states that change in any of the parameters that determine equilibria will result in a system change, which will cause a change in the equilibria.  
The equilibria of three solutions were found by executing and observing a variety of experiments for each. 
First the equilibrium shift in a reaction (eq 1) involving the weak acid HSO4- in water was tested.
HSO4-(aq) + H2O (l) ⇌  H3O+(aq) + SO42- (aq) (1)
 Next the equilibrium shift in a reaction (eq 2) involving the slightly soluble salt Mg(OH)2 was tested. 
Mg2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) ⇌  Mg(OH)2(s) (2)
Last the equilibrium shift in a reaction (eq 3) involving the hexaaquacobalt(II) ion, Co(H2O)62-  was tested.
CoCl42-(alc) + 6H2O(l) ⇌  Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4Cl-(aq) (3)
For the first part of the lab the initial solution was prepared by adding NaHSO4 to five labeled test tubes, and then Thymol Blue as a pH indicator. When the pH is less than two Thymol Blue is red, when it is greater than two Thymol Blue is a red-yellow color. The first test tube was used as a standard. Na2SO4 was added to the second test tube until there was a color change. NaHSO4 was added to the third test tube until there was a color change. The fourth test tube was heated in a hot water bath, then cooled in a ice water bath. The opposite was preformed on the fifth. All observations were recorded. 
The second and third parts of the lab were the same as part one but with different solutions and phenolphthalein as the pH indicator. Phenolphthalein is colorless unless the pH is greater than eight, at which point it turns pink. For part two the beginning solution was created from MgCl2 and NaOH, and HCl and Na4EDTA were the solutions added to the appropriate test tubes. For the third part of the lab the beginning solution comprised of water and CoCl42-, and ethyl alcohol, silver nitrate, and HCl were added to the appropriate test tubes.
Detailed procedures may be found in reference 1.
The first part of the lab involved the reaction HSO4-(aq) + H2O (l) ⇌  H3O+(aq) + SO42- (aq).  Table 1 contains the data and observations obtained from this reaction.
Table 1. Results of Equilibria for the NaHSO4 solutions. 

Equilibrium Shift
Lighter Red/Yellow Tint
No Change
Lighter Pink
Bright Pink
The Thymol Blue indicator did not work well in the heating/cooling portion of this lab. It should have indicated a basic pH when it was heated and a acidic pH when it was cooled, but it showed the opposite.  For this reaction it is known that for this reaction that when the solution is heated it shifts towards the reactants, which is why it was an exothermic reaction.
The second part of the lab involved the reaction Mg2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) ⇌  Mg(OH)2(s).  Table 2 contains the data and observations obtained from this reaction.
Table 2. Results of Equilibria for Mg(OH)2 solutions.

Equilibrium Shift
Darker Pink
Lighter Pink
Increased Precipitate
The pink color from the phenolphthalein caused it to be difficult to accurately discern the quantity of precipitate when it was heated and therefore did not accurately express the shift in equilibrium. For this reaction it is known that heating the solution shifts the equilibrium towards the products, which is why it was an endothermic reaction.
The third part of the lab involved the reaction 
CoCl42-(alc) + 6H2O(l) ⇌  Co(H2O)62+(aq) + 4Cl-(aq).  Table 3 contains the data and observations obtained from this reaction.
Table 3. Results of Equilibria for CoCl42- solutions.

Equilibrium Shift
Lighter Pink
Silver Nitrate in 100% Ethanol
Precipitate, Purple
Ethyl Alcohol
Light Blue
Hydrochloric Acid
Bright Blue
No Change
When the solution was heated it shifted towards the reactants, which is why it was concluded that it was an exothermic reaction.
In part one the pH indicator did not turn the correct color, which lead to the incorrect conclusion that the reaction was endothermic. It is known that the equilibrium for this reaction lies on the reactant side, which is why it is an exothermic reaction. In part two of this lab the quantity of precipitate in the solution did not noticeably increase, which is why it was thought that it was an exothermic reaction. It is known that in this reaction precipitate should form when heated, therefore indicating that the equilibrium shifted to the products and that it is an endothermic reaction. The probable reason that there was no observation of an increase in precipitate was the presence of phenolphthalein, which made detecting a change in the quantity of precipitate difficult. The reaction of part three of this lab was found to be exothermic, because the equilibrium shifted towards the reactants when the solution was heated.
LeChatelier’s Principle explains that when the temperature, pressure, or concentration of   a reaction are changed, an equilibrium will shift as a result, in order to counteract the change. In this lab we changed many of these factors and changed the equilibriums and used LeChatelier’s Principle to aid in determining which side of the reaction the equilibrium lied on.
1. General Chemistry Experiments: A Manual of Chemistry 204, 205, and 206, Department of Chemistry, Southern Oregon University: Ashland, OR, 2008. 2009. pp. 101-103
2. Brown, LeMay, Burnsten, Murphy. Chemistry: The Central Science. 11th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, NJ. 2009. pp. 649-653.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Anthropological Learning

During the term we have discussed various topics and concepts that will help me in understanding the social life we live in. Culture is giving meaning to experiences that are passed on and shared. Our culture affects how we perceive others and our beliefs. In my opinion culture is the basis of our moral conduct. The cultures we belong to or associate with are not permanent, they are constantly changing. As they get passed down people change their culture in order to accommodated the society in which they live in. Our culture maybe seen as natural from the inside but for outsider it seems arbitrary. Learning about culture is important because in order to understand other people you need to understand their culture.
It is important to understand other cultures because people need to empathize with other’s believes in order to understand their needs. For example when I work in hospital as a nurse, I must understand that someone may not believe in euthanasia because of the culture they come from. When you have an ethnocentric way of thinking it inhibits on how well you relate to others and it would inhibit me from helping and fulfilling their needs as a health-care provider. If I do not understand other’s culture and their set of believes, I will fail at my job. It is important that people have a relativist point of view because even though you may not agree with someone's believes you have to understand the culture that they live in is different, and therefore everyone’s believes are right.
The concept of personhood varies from society to society. Understanding these variations is important in my life because we live in a world where I will have to work with people that come from different personhoods. Even though our society has an egocentric self point of view, in order to work in the field of nursing you are expect to change from being egocentric to sociocentric. You are expected to do so because nursing is a career were you must learn how to work and rely on others. The concept of egocentrism also has it’s positive aspects. I feel that people sometimes need to focus on their on personal goals and be competitive in order to have motivation to succeed. The negative aspects of living in a egocentric society is that we become to worried about our individuals needs and we forget about our society. We are constantly competing against each other which causes us to never learn to develop our self in terms of how well we coexist with one another. The way we develop our self and our identity determines who we are and how we relate and communicate with others.
The social construction of gender is a huge part of how we develop our self. Instead of treating both females and males equally we differentiated how we socialize and treat them from the minute we know their biological gender. This also creates expectations and norms from society on how each gender should be. Our society teaches females to be helpful, submissive, and easy going. Males in our society are taught to be strong and tough. Males are discouraged to show signs of emotion and pain but females are almost expected to be more emotional and have little pain tolerance. In the American culture when people don’t meet these norms we don’t know how to address this “third” gender like other cultures do, this primarily because we focus and rely on gender roles instead of on preference.
For the most part we are just submitted into these gender roles without us being able to choose what we prefer. We assume that girls should wear pink, like dolls, and want to play tea party without giving her a choice of playing with cars and the color blue. We throw these gender roles at children without realizing that we are doing it. In some cases children are even perceived as being different or even unusual because they break the gender norms. People do not stop to think that males would be biologically attracted to playing with dolls because just like females, they are animals that have a need to look after their young.
Two other crucial aspects to developing our self are race and language. Race is often confused with culture. They are often connected but are not the same. Race is the biological difference in physical characteristics that humans have. Because race and culture are often seen as the same thing we associate and develop ourselves on the basis of race. We tend to develop into these stereotypical norms of race because that is what we have been taught to do. Some people are even proud to have these norms. Language is how we often emphasis these norms and stereotypical ideas. We relate the word “black” with being negative, while we associate “white” with being pure and clean. We also refer to things as being female or male in languages. Him, and her, el and ella, every languages makes this distinct point of differentiating between male and female.
In process of learning about how all these aspects create the self, I realized that once we stop making assumption about how people should be, we can then learn how to treat each other as equals. We can overcome racial and gender inequalities if we stop expecting people to fit into norms and expectations we have. All these concepts have made me realize my own preconceived notations about culture, race, and gender. I have been limiting my thinking to the assumptions I have of people. Now I will be more aware of not expecting people to be and act a certain way because of the norms that are implemented by society. All these concepts can be used in my personal life because how we socialize is affected by how we identify ourselves and how we identify others in our society. If we always expect people to fit into the norms we will never learn to appreciate the diversity our world has to offer.
The construction of social hierarchy also puts limits on developing a society. Like everything else social hierarchy has different levels in different societies. Social classes are used in the United States to rank people in our social hierarchy. The social class you are in is affected by your socioeconomic status, gender, age, and race. Race and gender are permanent, but even though people can change many of their other aspects most people will remain in the same class. I attribute this to people not having the same opportunities to move into a new social class. For example, we all know that in order to become established and be placed in higher ranking class you must go to school because that is how people make the most money. However, people who live in poverty can’t afford school therefore it is hard for them to move up in the social hierarchy the ranking of classes.
Ranking people in social hierarchies increases the gap of equality. People assume that social hierarchy is a biological principle, or they have an individualistic view that they worked for and deserve their ranking, and therefore they accept it as part of life. This also creates more inequality because it makes people think they are not smart and they accept this because they see it as being their fault. These hierarchies often lead to negative adaptations to survive in poverty. The book Cultural Anthropology: A Problem Based Approach, talks about Puerto Ricans building their own economic system that is supported by drugs in order to survive. This not only happens here in America but also in many third world countries. The gap between the rich and poor is so large in third world countries that people have no choice but to get involved with illegal things such as drugs, human trafficking, and corruption. Learning about social hierarchies is relevant to my everyday life because it is important to acknowledge that we still live in a society that is not equal and in order to change this we must acknowledged that it is a problem. As a nursing major social hierarchies will be addressed at work, with patients and staff. Knowing about these hierarchies will help me treat everyone fairly.
Throughout the class I learned about all the little aspects that contribute to us being a society. Even though societies see things differently I can still relate to aspects of their culture and now I understand why people have different believes and how they are acquired. I think our society has made huge progress when it come to inequality but there are still many improvement needed. After learning about other societies and the aspects that increase inequality, I believe we still have to overcome the less emphasized aspects that make a huge part of the inequality, such as gender, race and class, so that we can finally overcome it. Through the readings I also realized that even though people see America as being very diverse and open to changes, in some other societies the people have better developed ideas of how a society should work. For example with gender, women may be able to have the same jobs as men but in usually women still make less than men. In many other cultures gender roles can be overcome but in America those gender roles still exist and it’s unfortunate that it impacts our children. From now on I will try to view things like a cultural anthropologist would, be a blank slate, and learn from others with assumption of what they believe is true.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Social unequally is a huge problem that needs to be fixed. Of the developed countries, the US has relatively low life expectancies, and high violence rates, mental illness, teen pregnancies, violence, drug use, and many other issues. In the article Want a Good Life? Your Neighbors Need it, Too, these issues are compared with incomes in different societies. It was found that “The psychosocial effects of inequality affect the quality of human relationships” (Jarvis, 3). The US would be much better off if the government could manage, at least on some level, the salaries of it’s citizens. It is ridiculous how some people can make so much more money than others who work just as hard!

I have never had a problem getting good healthcare myself, so I never realized how big of a problem healthcare really is in the US until fairly recently. The healthcare system in the US “is superb for people who can afford it, but falls woefully short for those who cannot” (Eitzen, 145). It makes me quite sad that people cannot get the health care that they need and deserve, and it is a big social problem in the US. I believe that Obama’s new healthcare plan is a huge step in the right direction for improving the system. Many of my family members and friends, from all different situations, support the healthcare bill. Action has been taken on the social problem of healthcare, which is hopefully not going to be much of a problem in the years to come.

Social Problems Causing Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is a growing problem worldwide. There are a variety of causes and solutions to this problem in each society. The reasons for the increase in this problem all have to do with industrialization and changing society. The root causes are an increase in preoccupied parents, income inequalities, children’s independence and lack of funding for schools and after school programs. Societies that are being challenged with juvenile delinquency are faced with the need to find a way for their particular society to intervene effectively on the issue.
In the examination of a variety of different approaches to juvenile delinquency, it was concluded that some of them are good and work well, and some do not. Out of the countries that we studied the most, India’s approach to the problem was deemed to be the least effective of the countries that we examined. Their fight against juvenile delinquency, as well as Japan’s, is focused upon police intervention. This is not a good way to deal with the problem of juvenile delinquency, as the police have a bad reputation with the juveniles, and it is not effective at preventing crimes from occurring. Another part of India’s problem in solving juvenile delinquency is their economy. They have other social problems that are more important, such as child labor, which they must solve first. Because they can’t afford to solve their primary social problems, it is near impossible for them to solve their juvenile delinquency issues.
Our cross-cultural analysis and the information from our interviewee agree that the more successful solutions are the ones that focus on prevention. Preventing juvenile delinquency could be achieved in many societies by educating people, restructuring social institutions, and getting children involved in good after school activities. The only way any change can take place is by educating the people of the society. 
Society must know that it is a real and growing problem in order for them to make any effort to change it. They need to know that it’s the society that is causing the problem, not the kids. They also need to know that it would be beneficial to have some government intervention, as more change would be possible if government programs and non-government programs would work together. People should also be educated on some of the specifics of why juvenile delinquency has become a problem. Education could be achieved through media and community meetings. 
The next step in prevention is to restructure who has power and where money gets spent. The ethnic minorities and the lower class, whom are responsible for a large percentage of juvenile delinquency, need to have better representation. This representation needs to push for the things the children of that particular society need. Things that the representatives could push for are more funding for schools, more bilingual teachers and staff, and after school activities. The countries that we studied in our cross-cultural analysis use some of these steps, but need to improve upon some of their methods in carrying them out.
Reducing juvenile delinquency is a challenging process that requires a lot of time and work by a lot of people, but is an obtainable goal. If the necessary steps described in the paragraphs above were taken, juvenile delinquency would be reduced to a small fraction of what it is now. Not all communities have the resources to make the change necessary in stopping juvenile delinquency, but the ones that do should make them, because it will make drastic improvements in many lives.
  • Heiner, Robert. "An Introduction to the Sociology of Social Problems." Social Problems: an Introduction to Critical Constructionism. New York: Oxford UP, 2010. 5. Print. 
  • "Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Abuse." National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Web. 8 May 2010. 
  • "Juvenile Justice: Facts And Figures." American Bar Association - Defending Liberty, Pursuing Justice. Web. 8 May 2010. 
  • Roberts, Cynthia H. "00.02.05: Juvenile Delinquency: Cause and Effect." Yale University. 2005. Web. 8 May 2010. 
  • Shepherd Jr., Robert E. "Criminal Justice Magazine Article." American Bar Association - Defending Liberty, Pursuing Justice. 1996. Web. 8 May 2010. 
  • Smith, Carolyn A. "Juvenile Delinquency: An Introduction." The Prevention Researcher. 2008. Web. 8 May 2010. 
  • "Youth at the United Nations: World Program of Action for Youth - Juvenile Delinquency." Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World. Web. 8 May 2010.
  • "Juvenile Delinquency, World Youth Report, JDWYR, 2003." United Nations. United Nations, 2003. Web. 8 May 2010.
  • "Numbers Speak." Juvenile Justice National Desk. N.p., 2010. Web. 8 May 2010.
  • “Overview of the Effects of Violence in the Media." Young Media Australia. qtd. Pearl, Bourhilet & Lazar 1982. Australian Council on Children and the Media, 27 Jan. 2009. Web. 8 May 2010.
  • Rickard, Erika. "Paying Lip Service to the Silenced; Juvenile Justice in India." Harvard Human Rights Journal 21 (2008): 155-66. Web. 10 May 2010.
  • White, Richard. "Targeting Youth Gangs at a Grassroots Level." Australian Institute of Criminology 62 (2007): 1+. AIC.GOV.AU. Web. 7 May 2010.
  • Ortega, Phil. Interview. May 2010.

Monday, May 17, 2010

AHA Application essays

1. One typed Autobiography
It was about this time that the younger of my brothers graduated high school and moved away to go to college, leaving me the only child at home. When I got to high school I joined the rowing team. Rowing team meet for several hours almost every day of the week, it was very big commitment. I enjoyed it for three racing seasons, it was a good workout and a fun group of people. In my junior year I joined the Iceaxemen Mountaineering Club at my high school. I loved this club and the people in it. The leader and many of the the Iceaxeman were leaders for a local Christian Church. I was active in this Church with this group from my mountaineering club. With this club I did many activities such as rock climbing, mountain climbing and camping. I will always remain close to some of these friends but I rarely find time to rock climb now.
I am a product of the environment that I was raised in. Eugene is a very eco friendly city. The majority of people who live here are into recycling, I learned that in 2nd grade even before I learned where the bathroom was. My family tries to eat sustainable local produce, recycle, compost, garden, decrease our energy usage, use eco friendly products and do things that we know will be good for the environment. I try to bicycle whenever possible and decrease my fossil fuel use. It’s a lifestyle that I plan to maintain for forever.
I have always loved learning about new people from different walks of life. It’s just a yearning that I have had. My experience has been limited to family vacations to Mexico and when I was in 5th grade my Grandmother took our extended family to Peru. We got to hike around Machu Picchu and the Inca ruins, we traveled to Peruvian villages, had a Shaman preform his magic and visited Lake Titicaca where the people still live the same as in 200 AD. It wasn’t until I was much older that I appreciated what a wonderful adventure it was. During my sophomore year I had the opportunity to do an exchange with a family friend in France. I got to spend a month in France with her and her family, then she came back with me for a month. It was a great experience that really opened my mind about the European culture.
After I graduated, I moved to Ashland to attend Southern Oregon University. At first the transition was a little difficult, but I quickly became accustomed to dorm life and made new friends. I am a pre-nursing student, balancing my time with school work and fun. I have been loving college life but I am looking forward to adding some adventure and world knowledge to my college experience in this coming year.

One typed Transitional Experience Essay
I have experienced many transitions in my life as stated like changing schools, and moving from California to Oregon when I was in the second grade. However, I feel that moving away to college was the most significant transition for me. It was the beginning of a whole new life for me. Being totally on my own, responsible for my budget, classes, career choices, making new friends, cleaning, and cooking for myself. Being independent gave me a lot more responsibility than when I was living at home. I lived in the dorm my first year at school and this year I live in an apartment with a friend.
It’s because of this transition that I have become a stronger person. I am still trying to learn how to strengthen the precarious balance between my school, work, and socializing in my life. Moving away to college has made me examine my priorities and decide on my goals. I am striving very hard to achieve them.
I grew up in a medical family with my father being a physician and my mother and three of my aunts being nurses, so it’s not much of a surprise that I have found my passion in Nursing. I find most all things medical related to be very interesting and I don’t get nauseated by the sight of blood. I did a surgical rotation for my senior project in high school and found that when blood came spurting at my face, I wanted to know where it was coming from and thinking about what it takes to stop it. It is for these reasons that I decided I want to be a surgical nurse. Being a nursing student requires a lot of studying and responsibility. I have adjusted to my new life full of responsibility quite well and I am happy where I am now in my life, and excited for the challenges and adventure my future will bring me.
I want going to Ghana to be the next transition in my life. I have always wanted to go to Africa and work and live with the African people. I think that my compassion for people and desire to be a nurse would be a great asset to me for this semester in Ghana. I have few illusions, I know that there will be some difficulties but I am optimistic that they can teach me some good lessons to live my life by.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Bunnies Revenge

Women of the United States of America tend to have strong feelings about their appearance. It is apparent that in U.S. culture a women's appearance means a lot. Women are constantly being pushed by the media into thinking that they need to look like a model and dress a certain way to be attractive; which is impossible for most women, and even those that do reach the physical ideal are rarely satisfied. Our culture tells us that we need to follow certain norms to be attractive. Most people subject themselves to these ideals.
A couple of weeks ago I attended a party called The Bunnies Revenge, the name referring to the Playboy Bunny. The people who went to this party were supposed to dress up in lingerie. I was surprised by how far people took the theme, some dressing in only in revealing underwear and bras. Is it appropriate to have occasions where it is the norm for people to dress scandalously? I seemed to feel it wasn’t, I felt that it was skanky and wrong, but looking back I am not sure why I felt that way. I had another obligation that night which wasn’t over until after the party had started, so I didn’t have the opportunity to dress up, but I probably wouldn’t have anyways. I’m not sure the reason that I labeled the party as skanky. It could have been because that is really how I felt, or because I felt too insecure with my body to dress up myself so I labeled the people who did to make myself feel better.
Because I didn’t dress up, I felt out of place at the party. One of my friends was disappointed that I hadn’t dressed up and confronted me about it, which made me feel even more out of place. I explained to her that I didn’t have time to get dressed up to the party’s theme. It was apparent that we have different views and morals when it comes to modesty and sexuality. She seemed to feel very comfortable and was enjoying the occasion. I not only would have felt very uncomfortable if I had dressed up, but I even felt uncomfortable being in the presence of those who had.
I believe that the cause for me feeling uncomfortable at the party was due to the fact that I grew up in America, where people are ultimately influenced into feeling insecure about themselves. The media constantly exploits women, by only using tall, skinny, attractive models, and using computer technology to make them even more physically “flawless”. It is because of this that women create idols from the media, and they are bound to be let down, as it is near impossible to achieve a body like most of whom are on television.
The U.S. makes it even more difficult for American women to feel satisfied by making them overweight. We live in a busy, capitalistic society in which people are constantly moving. It is a stressful environment, in which many people take out their stress by eating junk food. If people found new ways to take out their stress, such as working out, it would help fix the problem of insecurity of ones body. There aren’t any advertisements for healthy food or exercise, only the unhealthy and processed foods, and meal portion size is out of control! Big corporations are running our country more than the government itself and, unlike the government, they are only seeking money and don’t make the well being of its citizens a priority. For example, when the dairy industry put out the “Got Milk” advertisements, they influenced the Food Pyramid, and got schools to sell certain dairy products, all in order to get kids hooked on milk for their lifetime. It is because of the dairy industry that people think dairy is healthy, but in truth it is just making the U.S. more unhealthy. So ultimately the media is telling us we need to be skinny and physically perfect, and it’s also getting us fat, and therefore we become unsatisfied and insecure with our bodies because we don’t have the ideal body.
One of my friends who is heavier, attended the party and dressed in lingerie. She told me afterwords that she felt extremely uncomfortable. I believe the reason that she dressed up, knowing that she would feel uncomfortable, was because she felt she had to. She may have found it difficult to decide whether to feel like an outsider because she didn’t dress up, or to dress up and feel uncomfortable with her body.
I don’t think that it’s necessarily a bad thing that people show skin, i just feel that it is inappropriate in that environment. It can be okay for people to show skin in a nonsexual environment, and possibly even good for their self esteem. I feel that it’s even okay for people to show a little sexuality with other people around. The problem comes when the two are combined. I feel that it is only appropriate for people to show skin and be sexual at the same time, when one is in private with their lover.
The Bunnies Revenge was an interesting environment in which most of the women dressed up but none of the men did. I felt that it was not fair that the women felt obligated to dress up but the men did not, as this was clearly a themed party. This is an example of a still existing double standard between men and women. Why are women exposing their bodies but the men aren’t held to the same standard? It’s amazing to me that women tolerate this.
Often the reason that women dress skimpy do so out of low self esteem. Often they are desperate for sexual attention, so they imitate what they see in the media. Many experience that they will get more attention but not the type that they want from dressing in provocative ways. They should be taught that to be treated like a lady, one must dress like a lady. To get respect from men, they must have respect for themselves.
Southern Oregon University’s Erotic Ball is a yearly event that takes place on campus. Students come dressed in very revealing attire to dance, let loose and have fun. At this event both men and women dress provocatively. It is difficult for me to understand why people choose to attend events like this and the Bunnies Revenge party.
I think that our society is changing the way women think. Although there were many skimpily dressed women at this party, many felt the same way that I feel. Hopefully change will occur throughout the nation, ending the exploitation of women in the media and restricting big corporations influence on people. Hopefully the double standards for men versus women will be a thing of the past. Like all change that happens in our culture, it will take time for this to occur. I have met many strong women and think that we have begun to see positive change already in Ashland. These women are not ones that will dress or eat to meet the norms. These are women that take pride in their healthy eating and enjoy their individuality in dressing how they feel comfortable. They will not be snowballed by the media.
Robbins explains in the book Cultural Anthropology: A Problem Based Approach, that “We are not born with an identity, it is something that we learn”(pp.216). In our society people are told that they need to be skinny and to dress in derogatory ways, but also tells them to be lazy and to eat junk food. The majority of women on television and magazines are tall, skinny, blonde and dress a certain way. These people have become the idols for the women of the United States. These messages contradict each other, which causes women to feel insecure about their selves. Here in Ashland, many people are starting to take a stand against these things by attempting to cut media, processed foods, and materialism out of their lives.
I’m still not sure if parties like the Bunnies Revenge and the Erotic Ball are a good thing or a bad thing, all I know is that they make me feel uncomfortable. Perhaps they are a revolt against the media and society. If they are, they will probably die down as the media and big corporations become more regulated. Until that happens, it is important that people do not subject to the messages that the big corporations are sending us. References

Robbins, R. Cultural Anthropology: A Problem Based Approach. Fifth Edition.

McDougall, MD. Marketing Milk and Disease. 2008

Yahoo! Answers. Resolved Question.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Should the United States government give more power to the people, and how could that happen? Most Americans, when asked what aspect of their country they are proud of, would say our “freedom”. In reality, “we have been socialized to equate ‘democracy’ with ‘freedom’ ”, but there are only two political parties in which we have the freedom to choose from (Heiner, 28). United States citizens don’t have as much freedom as most of us would like to think we have, and it would be beneficial if we found a way to obtain that freedom. The country was founded with the idea that the people have the power, and that’s the way it should stay. If society was educated about our government system and more people would vote for candidates whom aren’t from the republican of democratic parties, it would allow for significant change and an increase in the freedom and power of US citizens. It would be a difficult and costly process to educate the American people the important things they need to know in order to have intelligent votes, but it would be worth it. One way that this could happen is by having a non-affiliated organization create a movie and a book containing the important information.

Americans seem to be materialistic, greedy, fat, and self-absorbed in comparison to other societies, why are we this way?. As Heiner says; “Americans prefer to horde their money for themselves and loath to spend it for the common good”(p.48). It could be a side-effect of the “American Dream”. People feel that it is important to reach their personal “American Dream”, which usually involves wealth. It is a part of American culture that if a person works hard they will succeed, and they deserve the profit they obtain from their work and shouldn’t have to share it. It could also be that most people elsewhere in the world don’t have the opportunities that we have to to live this lifestyle. We also are influenced by media and tend to make idols out of rich celebrates. There are many reasons why Americans tend to be materialistic, greedy, fat, and self-absorbed, and only speculations can be made to which ones play an important role.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Has the United States become too arrogant to gain from ethnocentrism? The United States is very competitive in many areas, such as scientific discoveries and wealth. Americans were very proud of the successes in such areas and it seemed to be the motto for a long time throughout the states that “We Are Number One!”. Has the United States success in some areas caused it’s people to think they are better than other countries and don’t need their help? Ethnocentrism is a very important process, by which new insight into social problems can be gained (Heiner, 15). The United States has many problems which the insight of other countries could help solve, such as obesity and poverty. Shouldn’t federal programs be using insight of other countries to take action and solve these problems?

Advertisements have become an overwhelming part of life in modern society. The amount of time that we are watching or hearing an advertisement is very substantial, weather we realize it at the time or not. Because media has many “complex effects, many negative” (Kellner, 1), the advertisement industry is a social problem and needs to be changed. I think it would be a good idea for the government to step in and make many more laws regulating advertisement. Although some would say this would impart on our freedom of speech, I believe that it would be an acceptable price, as it would cut down on several very big social problems in the United States.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why is prostitution still prevalent across the world in modern society? One would think that prostitution, seeming to be morally wrong and unethical (at least to me) would have dyed out by now, but “Many married men sought prostitutes as a sexual outlet, in part because (1) they have been socialized to believe their sexual appetites were uncontrollable and (2) their wives had been socialized not to enjoy sex.”(Heiner, 84). The physical sensations of having sexual relations with a complete stranger whom you share no emotional connections with, or in the prostitutes case the money, is not worth the loss of dignity and feelings of worthlessness that oneself may experience afterwords. The cause of prostitution goes back to media, the educational systems and parents. People need to be taught to value and respect themselves and others, that they can control themselves, and that sex is something to be enjoyed - with someone you love. These are basic concepts that could easily be integrated into our educational system if people allowed it.

The United States of America is lacking in accommodations for the working parent. Most of the other financially well off countries have many more accommodations than we do, including childcare and payed leave of absence for mothers and fathers. These accommodations are enforced by the government in many country. There are many reason why the United States should pass such laws such as “these work/family measures are provided alongside universal health insurance, which adds crucial economic support for families, and gives workers flexibility when seeking employment that best meets their families’ needs”(Eitzen, 102). Many people in our country would benefit greatly if this system was put in place here. The main reason that it isn’t is because Americans are so against socialism, and putting in such laws place could be seen as a set towards a socialistic society.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It is difficult for me to know on several topics weather or not they are actual social problems. It seems that the term ‘social problem’ is too broad to actually have any meaning or importance. The sociological definition of a social problem is a phenomenon which a significant amount of people believe is bad or undesirable (Heiner, 4). How many people do there need to be to count as a significant number of people? Does this definition work for every society and every social circle?

The United States has “the highest infant mortality rate of the 19 countries in OECD”(Eitzen, 5), is this a bad thing? To most people, it would be extremely heartbreaking to loose a newborn child. After going through the pains of pregnancy while gaining hopes, inspirations, and expectations, of creating a new human being, it would be devastating to loose it all when the infant doesn’t make it. On the other hand, natural selection doesn’t play as much of a role as it did before medical care has become as advanced as it is currently around the world. Perhaps a high infant mortality rate is a positive factor aiding in evolution of human genes, making the general population of the United States more healthy and better fit for the environment than it otherwise would be.