Friday, May 18, 2007

Harmony & Disharmony

I have made a poster consisting of a collage of newspaper and magazine clippings.  On the left side of the poster I glued on photos, which are tranquil, musical, or that have a pleasing arrangement of parts.  On the other side of the collage the photos are much the opposite; they are uncomforting images of terror, destruction and disorganization.

When I was first began this project I thought that it would be easier to find images of harmony than disharmony.   But as I looked closer I found that there was at least as many of disharmony printed into articles as there is harmony.  I found that there is a balance of harmony and disharmony in each article, much like everything in life.

 I believe that harmony is like that little angel standing on your left shoulder and disharmony is like the little devil sitting on your right shoulder. They are the ones that control what you do or don’t do.  In the end it was difficult to decide which pictures to put on my poster, I had so many.

The left side of the poster shows everything that I could find that shows harmony. Harmony is in sound, shape and arrangements that bring us good feelings.  It’s in the things of life that make us happy, fulfilled, content, and loved.  It is in images of family, the beauty of the outdoors, wildlife.  They express activities and things that bring meaning to our lives like hiking, yoga, rock climbing, sunbathing, etc.

The right side of the poster has many images of disharmony.  They are the things in life that make us sad and feel discontent.  Things of disharmony are things that hurt us and hurt others. They are destroying the world that we know for further generations.  These unfortunately are things like wars that have been raging since the beginning of mankind.  They are things like racism, poverty, and hatred.   There is a four-year-old girl pictured with what looks like a real gun.  What are we teaching our children?

 We can’t control the forces of nature, or can we?  Were already seeing the result of Global Warming.  Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Thailand are just the beginning.  If we don’t bring global warming to a hult, nature could be destroyed and disharmony will outweigh harmony.

Is the disharmony in the world taking over the world?  If we don’t take an active role to reduce the violence in our world and try to create more harmony, the disharmony will take over.  We can do this by being politically active. Speak up for the rights of mankind and our planet earth.  Educate all our children against war, racism, violence, and ignorance.  Do everything you can to slow down Global Warming and help endangered species.  Only doing everything that we can will help make a difference in the harmony of our world.